
Aim and Objectives:

  • Transfer of latest scientific knowledge & methods to farmers.
  • Giving veterinary service to diseases animals and Poultry through scientific methods.
  • Vaccination of animals
  • Providing livestock & Poultry to farmers.
  • Providing Feed on a subsidized rate.
  • Providing employment to uneducated people through keeping livestock & poultry.
  • Providing Financial Assistance for setting up of Small/Medium/Large Shed with 50% Subsidy, 40 % Subsidy on Poultry & Cattle Feed. Financial assistance for unusual mortality exceeding 25 % of total strength, for goat shed up to ceiling of Rs. 10,000/- per shed, for setting up of Large Dairy Unit, 40 % subsidy on milking cows.
  • To Improve Animal productivity
  • To Improve Egg, Meat & Milk production and it’s availability to local people.
  • Providing Livelihood support to farmers and self-help groups.


  • Provide compensation of 26,69,550 Rupees for 67 farmers, who have badly effected by Ockhi cyclone.
  • Shri. Ali Fodugothi, Shri. Ali Muhjinkagothi & Shri. Aslam thudiyagothi was selected as outstanding Goat, Poultry and Cattle Farmers respectively from Minicoy. They received Cash Award of Rs.10,000/- each from Honorable Deputy Collector Minicoy in Republic Day Function.
  • Department provided assistance to 22 nos of Poultry, 13 Nos of Cattles & 40 nos Goat Farmers
  • Application has been invited from local farmers for Financial Assistance during the year 2020-21 under various Animal Husbandry Schemes.
  • Supplied 25 nos of Homestead Cages to local farmers on subsidized rate.
  • Conducted “Entrepreneurship Development Programme” for 40 Unemployed Youth Farmers, on topic Poultry Rearing.
  • Conducted students Awareness Programme “Earn while Learn” through this shceme Department supplied 375 Layer Pullets & 25 Kgs Feed for each 75 students, of class IX students.
  • Department supplied 22 nos local malabari goats to selected BPL farmers with insurance under central shceme.
  • Produced and supplied 27992.700 Liters of fresh Milk among people via Milk coupons during the year.
  • Produced and Supplied 134093 nos of Eggs from the Poultry Demonstration Unit.
  • Proposal of Renovation of Dairy Farm is Started.


Sl.No Posts No. of Employees
1. Stockman 1
2. Farm Manager 1
3. Veterinary Inspector 1
4. Milkman 2
Contract Staff
1. Veterinary Assistant Surgeon 1
1. Field Enumerator 1
Vacant Post
1. Accountant 1
2. LDC 1
3. UDC 1
4. Stock Man 2
5. Poultry Boy 1
6. Veterinary Attender 1
7. Night-Watchman cum Poultry Boy 1
8. Bull Attendant 1
9. Mastery 1
Contact Details: Dr. RAMZIYA PK
Email : ahvdpmcy[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone No:04892-22254
Minicoy, U.T of Lakshadweep