
Aim and Objectives:

  • To supply all the essential articles required by the people and the Govt. departments of Minicoy Island from the mainland and to market the agricultural produce (Massmeen and Copra) of the people of Minicoy at mainland.
  • To act as a agent of the Lakshadweep Administration for Public Distribution System (PDS) supply of ration commodities (Rice, Sugar & Kerosene oil). There are five Fair Price Shops (FPS) located at different parts of the Island.
  • To supply LPG, Petrol & Diesel to the public as well as Govt. departments. To act an agent for implementation of schemes of the Lakshadweep Administration
  • To act an agent for implementation of schemes of the Lakshadweep Administration.


  • Main revenue of the society is from the profit generated from its sales. Following are the sales turnover of the society during the last five years:
Years Sales Turnover(in crores)
2016-17 4.28
2017-18 4.43
2018-19 4.74
2019-20 4.63
202-21(till December2020) 4.22

Staff Details

Sl.No. Particulars No.of Posts
1. Regular Posts 22
2. Contract Posts Nil
3. Posts Filled 21
4. Post Vacant 1 (Sales man)(LPG)
Contact Details: HABEEB UR RAHMAN H.B
Email : smsminicoy[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone No:04892-22225
Minicoy, U.T of Lakshadweep