
Aim and Objectives:

  • The department of S&T imparts scientific knowledge and boost up the scientific temper in students and public by conducting Science clubs, Science exhibitions and Science Day each year.


  • The department has installed 3 bio gas plants in Minicoy Island for both public/Govt. sector on experimental basis and is working successfull.
  • The department has been collecting tidal data from the manual tide gauge for studying the tidal variations (Which is done by the Survey of India) for early warning of rise in tides.
  • The department has a tidal transmitter / data logger installed by INCOIS (Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services) which continuously transmits data through satellite for early tsunami warning.
  • The project “Assessment of Marine Fishery Resources in Lakshadweep Waters” in the department is an on-going project which collects fish data.
  • All the essential data has been collected and sent regarding the installation of bio gas plant at Dak-bunglow which shall be installed soon.


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Sl.No Posts No. of Employees
1. Technical Assistant 1 Nos
2. Multi Skilled Employee(Technical) 1 Nos
Contract Staff Details
1. Junior Engineer 1 Nos
Vacant Posts
2. Field Assistant 1 Nos
3. Labourer 1 Nos
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Contact Details: JASEELA T.D
Email : jaseeladst[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone No: 04892-222854