In connection with Sanitation & its conservancy, we have been continuing the work in association with Dept. of Environment & Forests by engaging around 50 labourers and we were able to continue the cleanliness of our island especially by removing Non-biodegradable Wastes.
In Association with Department of Women & Child Development, we have been nourishing the child and mother under the shames provided by the Department.
Regarding Regulating and Checking of offensive or dangerous trades, during issuing of Dealer’s Permit we always obtain self declaration. A committee has been formed by including elected representatives for timely observation of the activities in connection with trading.
Numbering of Buildings is continuing, whenever individuals/officials approaches after the construction of a new building we provide with number for identification purpose and the number provided by us is taken into granted especially for granting electrical connection, producing ration card, etc.
In association with Medical Department, the Birth & Death Registrar is maintaining all the records in connection with newborn or demise.
We have provided many employment opportunities among the youth and elder persons, through different kinds of Developmental Schemes by approving from eh District planning Committee held every year and by implementing them on regular basis. Also through these schemes this institution is generating Revenue for the benefit of people, as we can implement more Developmental schemes from the Revenue Generation.